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The “Gunwalker” cover-up: Congress puts boots on the ground in Arizona

CBS News’ Sharyl Attkisson reports that Congressional investigators are now in Arizona investigating the “Gunwalker” scandal:

CBS News has learned that House and Senate investigators have descended upon Arizona for their probe into the so-called “Gunwalker” scandal. They’re gathering interviews from witnesses, including ATF insiders and area gun shop owners. Sources tell CBS News the congressional investigators are frustrated by what they view as across-the-board stonewalling by government agencies which have refused to provide information in the investigation. Government officials have said they won’t provide information while their own investigations are ongoing.

“They’re investigating themselves,” says one source on Capitol Hill, “and then claiming the open investigations preclude them from giving Congress information it needs for independent oversight. It’s highly improper.”

Ain’t that lovely? The fox not only gets to guard the hen house, but he also gets to investigate the missing chickens and refuse to answer questions about his “ongoing investigation”!

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