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The “Gunwalker” cover-up: A view from the left

Seasoned pro-RKBA activists often expect the Left to reflexively support any gun hating politician. But there are times when they surprise us. Such is the case with Laura Carlsen’s piece on Carlsen writes about Obama’s “Mexicogate” and its possible consequences for the Administration:

In the hot seat, Attorney General Eric Holder assigned an inspector general to investigate. President Obama defended Holder twice — on Univision and CNN — stating that neither he nor Holder knew about the operation.

The investigation will result in one of two conclusions, neither positive for the attorney general. The first is that Holder authorized an operation that likely violated U.S., Mexican, and international law and armed dangerous drug traffickers.

The second is that the head of the Justice Department is presiding over rogue staff that decided not to tell their boss about an operation that poses major legal, ethical and diplomatic breaches.

She goes on to point out that the Administration really only has two choices: Come clean and let the chips fall where they may or continue the ongoing cover-up. Thus far, it seems that they are choosing the latter option.

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